Five-year project (2019-2023) and 2019 annual archaeological intervention.
Location:Rafal Rubí Nou estate (Alaior)
Project managers:
- Leading and drafting team:
Dr. Simón Gornés Hachero.
Dr. Amalia Pérez-Juez
Dr. Paul Goldberg
Dr. Gabriel Servera
Alexandra Galmés
Dr. Llorenç Picornell
Dr. Francesc Roig i Munar
Alberto Correa.
Scientific objectives:Overall scientific objectives
- To understand in detail the spatial relationship of the funerary navetas and the relationship with settlements and other types of tombs in their surroundings.
- To discover the uses of the land and territory around the funerary navetas during the Balearic Bronze Age.
- To obtain information on the landscape and the environmental setting of the territory where the groups that inhabited Rafal Rubí and its surroundings settled.
Specific scientific objectives
- To carry out three geological sounding studies outside the area of any archaeological site, so as to determine land uses during prehistoric times and hence define the possible land uses around the navetas of Rafal Rubí.
- Cross-reference data obtained from other projects with data from this specific research to obtain the overview necessary to achieve the general objectives.
Results obtained:This project sets out the guidelines for the development of a comprehensive research project for the archaeological sites at the Rafal Rubí Nou estate and its surroundings for the period 2019-2023. The project includes multiple actions: prospection, clearing, sounding, archaeological excavation, research and the dissemination of results.
Supporting entities: