Excursion: "Som Essència Talaiòtica” programme

sant agustíUntil 21 Dec

The Talayotic Menorca Agency is organising the second edition of the outreach programme ‘Som Essència Talaiòtica’, to disseminate the heritage of Talayotic Menorca included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The programme offers activities, outings and guided tours that will allow you to learn about the social, cultural and environmental values of our heritage.

In the 10 activities programmed throughout 2025 we will be able to see the heritage of our island from different points of view. In all of them we will be accompanied by an archaeologist to explain the site in question, but we will also be accompanied by different specialists, such as biologists, geologists or even the owners of the site, who will complement the contents, so that we can understand the plurality of the island's heritage. Because it is not only the sites themselves that are important, but, as stated in the declaration as World Heritage, the surrounding landscape, the place where they are located geologically or the efforts made by the owners to maintain the heritage and the current landscape, mainly agricultural, are also of great importance.

  • Free activity: The cost of this activity is covered by the Talayotic Menorca Agency.
  • Registration: Capacity is limited and it is necessary to sign up a few days in advance through this link. Registration will open two Mondays before the activity. Each person can book a ticket for a maximum of two adults and three children.
  • More information: For any questions you can call or send a whatsapp to 689 33 28 88.

The scheduled excursions are as follows:
  • Sunday, 19th January: FRAGMENTS OF A TALAYOTIC LIFE. Sant Agustí.
  • Sunday, 16th February: CROSSING CENTURIES AND HISTORIES. From Sant Climent to Torelló.
  • Sunday, 9th March: SECRETS OF STONE AND SEA. Cala Morell.
  • Sunday, 6th April: THE GULLY MURMULLE. The Calescoves ravine.
  • Sunday, 4th May: BETWEEN BARRANKS AND SILENCES. Son Mercer de Baix.
  • Sunday, 28th September: CONSERVING THE ESSENCE OF THE TALAYOTIC. From the Naveta des Tudons to Torrellafuda.
  • Sunday, 26th October: AMONG DOLLMENS AND MYSTERIES. Ses Roques Llises, Na Comerma de sa Garita and the ravine of Cala en Porter.
  • Sunday, 30th November: FROM DISCOVERY TO EXHIBITION. From Bastió de sa Font to Can Saura.
  • Sunday, 21st December: THE TALAYOTIC SOLSTICE. So na Caçana.

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