Course: ‘Ancient Egypt: Spanish missions and relations with Menorca’

curso uimir18 Oct

Egyptology arouses fascination in our society. In Menorca there is also a widespread curiosity for this period of history, partly related to its own prehistoric culture, the Talayotic, through the discovery, in 1974, of the statuette of the Egyptian god Imhotep in the taula enclosure of Torre d'en Galmés.

The sessions presented in this course are intended as a general introduction to the research work currently being carried out by two research groups working in the field of ancient Egypt, within the framework of the national academic world: the Djehuty Project and the Oxyrhynchus Project. Thus, the discoveries made during the last archaeological campaigns carried out in the Valley of the Kings, on the one hand, and in the great site of Oxyrhynchus, a Middle Egyptian city that enjoyed its maximum splendour between the Saite and Greco-Roman periods, will be presented first hand, with the discovery of an intact tomb of a Pharaonic official standing out.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the discovery in the Torre de Galmés taula enclosure of the iconic figurine of the Egyptian god Imhotep. This bronze statuette, measuring just 15 cm, arrived on the island at some point during the late Talayotic period and the inhabitants of Torre d'en Galmés placed it in the sanctuary, in the spot that corresponds to the divinities, thus integrating the figure into their own pantheon. The UIMIR course ‘Ancient Egypt: Spanish missions and relations with Menorca’ will explore this and other connections established at various points in time between the island and the land of the pharaohs.

The classes will be given both by the directors of the respective archaeological missions and by some of the archaeologists who form part of the teams.

Amalia Pérez-Juez Gil. IME and Boston University
Irene Riudavets González. IME and University of Barcelona

  • Date: 18, 19 and 20 October.
  • Place: headquarters of the Institut Menorquí d'Estudis (Can Victori, Camí des Castell, 28, Maó).
  • Registration: to register, you can do it directly through this link.
  • For more information: you can visit the website, or contact by phone 971351500 or email
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