Volunteering: Clearing and cleaning campaign at the Talayotic settlement of Sa Cudia Cremada

sa cudia cremada07 Jun

Organized by the Associació de Voluntariat de Camins i Jaciments and the Consell Insular de Menorca through the Talayotic Menorca Agency, this event is open to all citizens.  

Sa Cudia Cremada settlement preserves a significant number of structures: three talayots, several hypogea, and a taula enclosure. Since 2015, an archaeological excavation project has been underway in the latter. Although this site is not included among the components declared World Heritage, it remains an important site that has provided new insights into the island’s prehistory in recent years. Some structures are covered by bushes and wild olive trees, whose roots could threaten their stability. For this reason, these clearing sessions have been organized.  
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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
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