The most important purposes of the agency are:
To preserve the attributes that sustain the outstanding universal value of Talayotic Menorca, including both the archaeological monuments and their associated landscapes.
- To protect the set of representative attributes of Talayotic Menorca, especially those included in the buffer zone.
- To promote and carry out the objectives included in the dossier and in the Management Plan.
- To manage, conserve, restore, disseminate and research the prehistoric heritage of Menorca, especially the archaeological assets included in the components of Talayotic Menorca.
- To apply the criteria of the UNESCO Natural and Cultural Heritage Convention in the management of Menorca's archaeological assets.
- To follow the ICOMOS guidelines for the interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage sites.
- Establish commitments and agreements between the different administrations, with the owners of those sites that are not public and with other public and private entities, for a good management of archaeological assets.
- Stimulate institutional and social commitment to the declaration of Talayotic Menorca as a world heritage site.
- To collaborate with the competent bodies of the Consell Insular de Menorca in the management, conservation, dissemination and research of the landscape and prehistoric heritage.
- To promote the sustainable socioeconomic development of the archaeological heritage.
What are the functions of the Talayotic Menorca Agency?

The agency has the following functions:
- To draw up and submit proposals to the different bodies of the Consell Insular de Menorca.
- To promote research, conservation, dissemination, restoration and training.
- To carry out all the actions included in the Talayotic Menorca Management Plan.
- To articulate and execute proposals for sustainable management.
- To promote social and business participation.
- To promote cooperation, training and scientific research.
- To supervise conservation, research and dissemination programmes.
- To conserve the landscape surrounding prehistoric archaeological assets.
- Any other activity that the Consell Insular de Menorca wishes to attribute to the Talayotic Menorca Agency for the fulfilment of its objectives, always within the framework of historical heritage.