Excursion: Lluna plena talaiòtica

18 Sep

As archaeologists and astronomy guides certified by the Starlight Foundation, Nurarq proposes a visit to a large Talayotic site under the light of the full moon. Discover Son Catlar at night, with its taula enclosure, talayots and great wall (the best preserved on the island with a perimeter of 1 km and a lot of history!).

This activity ongoing since 2016, inviting us to explore the Talayotic culture with the magic of a full moon night.

Photo: Antoni Cladera.

  • Date: September 18
  • Place: The meeting point is the Son Catlar parking lot, 10 minutes before the start of the activity.
  • Time: 10 pm
  • Duration: 1:50 h
  • Price: 25 euros for adults; 15 euros for kids from 4 to 12 years.
  • Reservations and more information: www.nurarq.com 
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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
Departament de Cultura i Educació - Consell insular de Menorca
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