Seminars: Archaeological landscapes of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric periods of the Iberian Peninsula

torre galmes10 Sep

Heritage has become a basic element in the configuration of well-defined archaeological landscapes thanks to its ability to homogenise a historical territory. Although the list of these archaeological landscapes covers the entire history of humanity, this course focuses on the prehistory and protohistory of the Mediterranean area. The archaeologist Carmen Lara Astiz, Institut Menorquí d'Estudis (IME), will give the lecture ‘El territorio en la prehistoria de Menorca, un paisaje actual’.

The aim of this course is to show archaeologically recognisable landscapes from different prehistoric periods and territories of the Iberian Peninsula in order to be able to take stock of the heritage policies carried out. In this sense, it is essential not only to describe these landscapes and the monuments they contain, but also to address their conservation and protection, as well as to analyse the different policies developed to disseminate their archaeological and cultural interest to the public.
  • Date: 10 to 12 September 2024.
  • Time: 9 am to 6 pm.
  • Place: Auditorium of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Calle San Marcos 40, Madrid.
  • Organised by: Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España.
  • Audience: Aimed at students, archaeologists, researchers, tourism technicians, cultural mediators and heritage managers.
  • Registration: Attendance at this course is free until full capacity is reached, but is subject to prior registration.
  • More information: here.
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