This is one of the largest and most spectacular prehistoric settlements in Menorca. It reached its peak during the time of Carthaginian commercial growth but remained in use until the medieval period.
Especially noteworthy are two talayots, a taula enclosure, a hypostyle hall and several caves dug out from the subsoil, as well as the remains of structures that were living quarters. The taula and its enclosure are the settlement’s most spectacular remains. This was a building used for worship, with a horseshoe shape and side chapels. The taula itself is composed of two magnificently crafted large stone blocks, one vertical and one horizontal. During the various excavation campaigns carried out on site, a bronze figurine of a bull and other objects of worship were found near a stone altar, presently on display at the Museum of Menorca.

Talayotic settlement of Torralba d'en Salort

This is one of the largest and most spectacular prehistoric settlements in Menorca. It reached its peak during the time of Carthaginian commercial growth but remained in use until the medieval period.
Especially noteworthy are two talayots, a taula enclosure, a hypostyle hall and several caves dug out from the subsoil, as well as the remains of structures that were living quarters. The taula and its enclosure are the settlement’s most spectacular remains. This was a building used for worship, with a horseshoe shape and side chapels. The taula itself is composed of two magnificently crafted large stone blocks, one vertical and one horizontal. During the various excavation campaigns carried out on site, a bronze figurine of a bull and other objects of worship were found near a stone altar, presently on display at the Museum of Menorca.

- October: Monday to Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- November: Monday to Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (closed on Sundays)
- December: closed

Price: See website

Open: Yes


Access is along the road from Alaior to Cala en Porter. The settlement is located on the right side at km 3. 
Road signs are posted.

Car Park: Car park available for cars and buses.

Guided tours:
Site audio guides in 6 languages.

Contact: Tel. +34 609 78 96 04

Services: Yes
Shop and bar.
Picnic tables and chairs.

Access for individuals with reduced mobility: Yes

More information See map
Noticies relacionades
Avui matí els codirectors del projecte, Borja Corral i Carlos de Salort, han presentat els resultats de la campanya acompanyats pel director insular de Cultura, Jaume Reurer, i el director de Torralba, Rafael Durán.
Es tracta d’una excavació programada inèdita fins al moment a Menorca i que permet documentar com era la vida rural dels repobladors cristians de l’illa després de la conquesta de 1287 i, per tant, el que és l’origen de bona part dels menorquins d’avui.
La violista catalana s’emporta una beca d’estudis de 2.000 euros, el premi d’aquest concurs organitzat per Amics del Museu de Menorca i el Departament de Cultura del Consell Insular.
Activitats relacionades
El proper 3 de novembre a Torrellafuda tindrà lloc la cinquena activitat de Becatalaiotica 2024: TODO LO VIVIDO ES IRRECUPERABLE, instal·lació artística a càrrec d'Alícia Carmo (1999, Madrid).

Jornada de portes obertes amb l'equip d'arqueòlegs d'Amics del Museu de Menorca que ha intervingut el jaciment, amb explicació de les novetats de la campanya 2024, la tercera del projecte arqueològic de l'edifici "postmedieval" de Torralba d'en Salort.
Descobreix Torralba d'en Salort de la mà d'un dels arqueòlegs que hi treballen. Coneix tota la història de les investigacions arqueològiques al poblat. Tots els dimecres de juliol.
Projectes relacionats
Pojecte per conèixer l’origen i funcionalitat de l’edifici postmedieval de Torralba d'en Salort.
Projecte finalitzat que va oferir dades sobre el poblat de Torralba d’en Salort i, per extensió, sobre la resta d’assentaments talaiòtics.
Enllaços relacionats
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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
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Pl. Biosfera, 5 - 07703 Maó