Talayotic Menorca is now part of the UNESCO World Heritage List!
Discover one of the richest and most remarkable archaeological landscapes on the planet, moulded over generations by the population of Menorca, who have lovingly protected the striking legacy of Talayotic culture.
Visit the sites
Menorca covers just over 700 km2 and has 1,586 archaeological sites. Not all of these can be easily accessed, which is why a selection has been made that best represents and summarises the island’s prehistory, and are accessible to anyone interested in discovering the Talayotic world of Menorca.

 Naveta des TudonsThe Naveta des Tudons is certainly one of the most emblematic and visited Talayotic monuments in Menorca, thanks to its excellent state of conservation and because navetas are a...Necropolis of CalescovesFrom prehistoric until Roman times, Calescoves attracted the attention of the different Menorcan settlers. It was occupied for many centuries and is therefore a highly significant...Talayotic settlement of So na CaçanaThe So Na Caçana site is considered to be a group of sanctuaries, as it includes more than one taula enclosure and two rather unorthodox talayots, which could mean that it...Talayotic settlement of Son CatlarSon Catlar is one of the largest Talayotic settlements in the Balearic Islands and the only one whose outer wall around most of the settlement remains intact. Although the...Talayotic Settlement of Talatí The archaeological area of Talatí de Dalt is one of the island’s most emblematic, thanks in part to its excellent state of conservation and its peculiar taula. It is...Talayotic settlement of Torralba d'en SalortThis is one of the largest and most spectacular prehistoric settlements in Menorca. It reached its peak during the time of Carthaginian commercial growth but remained in use until...Talayotic settlement of Torre d’en GalmésThe Talayotic settlement of Torre d’en Galmés, which covers 4.5 hectares, is one of the largest in Menorca and all of the Balearic Islands. It is located atop an...Talayotic Settlement of Trepucó Trepucó is one of the largest Talayotic settlements in Menorca, covering over 4 hectares, which were originally fortified. Only a small portion of the settlement remains at...Cova des Coloms caveThe Cova des Coloms cave is one of the most frequently visited sites by both local and visiting hikers, due both to the beauty of the natural environment of the Binigaus ravine in...Dolmen of Ses Roques LlisesThe dolmen of Ses Roques Llises is a dolmenic-style collective sepulchre and one of the oldest known constructions in all of Menorca, erected in around 2000 BC. It is part of the...Na Comerma de sa Garita MonumentNa Comerma de Sa Garita is a unique archaeological monument on both a Menorcan and Balearic level. It is part of the Torre d’en Galmés archaeological area and is made...The Navetes of Rafal RubíThe Rafal Rubí archaeological site is made up of two funerary navetas dating from between the Middle and Late Bronze Ages, although other materials have been found on site...Naviform settlement of Son Mercer de BaixSon Mercer de Baix, inhabited between the Early Bronze Age (1400 BC) and the Talayotic period (1000 BC) is the most well-known naviform settlement in all of Menorca. It consists...Talayotic settlement of Cornia NouThe Talayotic settlement of Cornia Nou is one of the most impressive of its kind in Menorca, with excavations performed on the western talayot and the southern building revealing...Sa Torreta de Tramuntana talayotic settlementSa Torreta de Tramuntana is a benchmark Talayotic settlement in the north of the island. Situated in a high-spot, it dominates much of the coast and the surrounding valleys. The...Talayotic settlement of Sant AgustíThe Talayotic settlement of Sant Agustí, in the municipal district of Es Migjorn Gran, is one of the most monumental on the island and is known for the unique...Talayotic settlement of TorrellafudaThe Talayotic settlement of Torrellafuda in the municipal district of Ciutadella is one of the island’s most charismatic. Located within a wild olive trees forest, it...Talayotic settlement of TorrellisarThe Talayotic settlement of Torrellisar is located in the municipal area of Alaior, and includes a variety of structures that highlight a taula enclosure and two talayots, which...Talayotic settlement of TorretrencadaThe Talayotic settlement of Torretrencada in the municipal district of Ciutadella stands out thanks to its taula, one of the most special on the island. The settlement, which...Es Galliner de Madona hypostyle hallEs Galliner de Madona is an isolated hypostyle hall, with a semicircular floor plan and a straight facade that rests on the rock on one side and which is accessed through a door...Talayot of TorellóThe settlement of Torelló is one of the largest in the municipal district of Maó, although it is difficult to fully appreciate its true size as it was severely...Cova de Biniedrís caveThe Cova de Biniedrís cave is found on the eastern bank of the ravine of the same name. It is part of the funerary complex of Calescoves and, along with other caves like Es...Cova des Pas caveThe Cova des Pas cave is a necropolis that was utilised by a Late Bronze Age community (1200-800 BC). Found within an inaccessible wall of the Trebalúger ravine, it led to...Copper mine of Sa Mitja LlunaThe prehistoric copper mine of Sa Mitja Lluna located on Illa d'en Colom is a site of special importance, not only for its exceptional conservation, but also for being... 
Current excavation projects
The research work studying our archaeological heritage is ongoing.
Here is some information on the different archaeological projects currently under way in Minorca.

Current projects
Related activities
Until 14
Activities to commemorate the inscription of Talayotic Menorca on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The next activity will be on September 21: WORLD HERITAGE AMONG AGRICULTURAL FARMS. In Talatí de Dalt along the Camí Vell. 
Menorca is a Starlight Destination and Reserve. A recognition to the great quality of its night sky thanks to its low light pollution, which gives us the opportunity to enjoy an amazing sky full of stars! Photo: Antoni Cladera.  
The Talayotic settlement of Trepucó will be the setting for a commemorative event, open to the public (prior registration required, travel by bus) to celebrate the first anniversary of Menorca Talayotic as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Recent news
The celebration events will be spread over different weekends, beginning on September 20 with an institutional event in Trepucó. This will be followed by two concerts by Marco Mezquida on September 28 and 29, and will end with a programme of activities for the whole family on October 5 in Son Catlar and October 6 in Trepucó.
The Becatalaiotica 2024 programme kicks off on September 28 in Talatí de Dalt with a calendar of five events spread over the months of September, October and November. As usual, the different sites of Talayotic Menorca will become open-air stages where the five finalists will present their proposals.
The excavation campaign at Sa Mitja Lluna came to an end on 30 August, marking an important milestone in the archaeological research of this prehistoric mining site. This campaign is the first of the second five-year project led by the ArqueoUIB group in collaboration with the University of Seville.
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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
TALAYOTIC MENORCA - World Heritage Nomination
Departament de Cultura i Educació - Consell insular de Menorca
Pl. Biosfera, 5 - 07703 Maó
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